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No one told me the side effects of this when prescribed and I thought I was pregnant or something was wrong with me all week until I found something that mentioned steroids and bam answers cameto me. Tremendous difference in my strength and power from going from 180 to 220. I feel like I'm in the middle of a game of dodgeball now and I'm not just throwing punches with enough force. That being said I have lost a friend and colleague thanks to a couple of months of this on steroids and it has cost a lot to me. This product has taken the brunt of it but I really don't want to continue to use this. I'm a little confused. Did I put something else in this? I thought I had a prescription and the bottle said something to the effect of "do not discontinue or over-do it". Does the product still mean something? I've had my bf try it in the early morning before a workout (when he doesn't feel the effects of steroids) but it wasn't going anywhere I think? (I'll post results in the next post) I've had this for 2 years and have not lost any muscle mass or strength, but I still feel pretty crappy and want to stop immediately. It is a real big hit to my immune system too. Any recommendations on what to do about it? I've used this product for a couple of years, and my testosterone levels have been fairly consistent, but with the increase in my strength and power it has caused me to have anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. Every time I try to take it and I have to put it on the back of my throat because of an overdose, I have to stop the inhaler when it was meant to be used on the chest just to breathe. I've had to take my BAC up to .8 which has definitely raised levels of other steroids in my system. It's definitely made my life a whole lot more difficult than it already was for me. My doctor said I need to lose as much weight as possible, which would explain my loss of strength. My bf also has this, I feel like I'm losing muscle mass as well. I have tried all of the steroids that would cause a similar side effect and they won't get rid of the anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts. I don't really want to use that anymore unless I have an overdose to deal with, and I honestly can't stand the smell when it starts to make me nauseous. I think it was actually worth the risk to me, although to be honest the side effects make me sick to my stomach every single time I take it. Related Article: